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niedziela, 13 maja 2012

Wywiad z Pete

Witaj, miło że zechciałeś udzielić wywiadu i nie trzeba było Cię zupełnie do tego przymuszać. Może na poczatek coś powiedz o sobie prywatnie. Co robisz, co lubisz jeść?

Witam wszystkich! Jestem maturzystą, w chwili gdy to piszę jestem w dzień przed matmą. Przy okazji gram w kosza, sędziuje itd. itd. Co lubię jeść? Generalnie jem wszystko oprócz groszku i szpinaku. Zasmakowałem bardzo w kuchni japońskiej, sushi, szaszłyki itd. Do tego lubię dobre polskie potrawy: karkówka, golonka, tatar. No i pizza, spaghetti. Jestem uniwersalny w tej kwestii.

Jak w ogóle trafiłeś na charazay?

Kolega, niestety już niegrający w Czarka na jednym z obozów namówił mnie do grania. I tak pozostało już na dłużej.

W chwili gdy to piszę, jest już po pierwszym zwycięstwie odniesionym, przez kadrę narodową pod Twoją wodzą. Powiedz jak ogólnie zapatrujesz się na tą kadrę, jak oceniasz jej szanse na MŚ?

Nie lubię oceniać nigdy szans. Niestety brakuję mi troszkę zawodników jakich bym widział w swojej koncepcji zespołu, ale nie jest źle. Mam nadzieję, że troszkę uda mi się podnieść wyniki kadry. Ranking, a może i jakiś ćwierćfinał? Mam w sztabie świetnych asystentów także myślę, że na pewno będą dobre decyzje podejmowane. Już w dzisiejszym meczu było widać ciekawe rozwiązania taktyczne. Głównie dzięki Stasiowi. Ale już na następny mecz mam przygotowanych parę niespodzianek. Na co nas stać pokażą pierwsze ważne mecze w eliminacjach, ale jestem zdecydowanie bardzo dobrej myśli.

Pracujesz też w sztabie reprezentacji U-21. Czy jesteś w stanie powiedzieć, jak oceniasz szanse nasych młodzieżowych reprezentacji, które już jedną nogą są na MŚ i tam będą walczyły o najwyższe cele?

Myślę, że czeka nas tutaj pewna walka o medale. Jestem bardziej pewien sukcesów w U21 niż w RN. Jest bardzo przyzwoity rocznik bardzo dobrze prowadzony. Sztab też jest tutaj bardzo mocny. Adi wykonuje od sezonów świetną robotę, a Jopek czy Didaa również nie są nowicjuszami w tej kwestii. Tylko ja byłem świeżakiem przychodząc do sztabu, a sam już objąłem ważniejsze stanowisko :) Nasz rocznik też jest naprawdę przyzwoity. Jest bogato pod koszem ( Zielony, Miller, Gabrysiak, Fabian, Kierzek, a nawet świeżo powołany Dudziński da radę). Mamy wiele ciekawych opcji i tylko dobrze to poustawiać wszystko do kupy i będzie bardzo dobrze!

Zostając jeszcze w temacie. Co sądzisz o dość głośnej w ostatnim czasie sprawie z naszego podwórka, a mianowicie usunięcia Pawła Zielińskiego z kadry U21. Wszyscy wiemy, a szczególnie ty, będąc w sztabie, jak istotnym zawodnikiem jest on w swoim roczniku. Czy jego brak znacznie wpłynie na wyniki osiągane przez kadrę U21? Czy była to ogólnie prawidłowo podjęta decyzja, czy też na miejscu Jopencjusza, spróbował to inaczej rozegrać?

Jestem nerwusem i gdyby Antoś robił mi taki cyrk za każdym razem to by u mnie już nigdy nie zagrał. Jeśli ktoś chcę, aby jego zawodnik grał w kadrze to musi współpracować. Już w seniorach niektórzy nie dotrzymali mi zmęczenia, więc od razu odsuwam od meczu, trzeba być stanowczym w tej kwestii, ale liczę na to, że Antoś pójdzie po rozum do głowy, Jopek zrobi wszystko dla naszego dobra i po eliminacjach albo i na mecz ze Słowenią, Zieliński powróci i nam pomoże. Bez niego też damy radę, ale Zieliński jest świetnym graczem po prostu.

Może teraz coś o Pistolsach, których jesteś menadżerem? Mimo pozornie przeciętnego składu udało Ci się błyskawicznie awansować do 1. ligi a tam grasz już 3 sezon i poczynasz sobie całkiem nieźle.

Za wiele nie mogę powiedzieć, bo mnie szybko rozpracują ;) W każdym razie skład rzeczywiście jest za małe pieniądze co może okazać się moim przekleństwem; ze sprzedaży nie będzie zysku, a awansować tym co mam do PLK jeszcze trudniej. Na pewno czeka mnie jakaś przebudowa, bo za długi okres mam już stagnację, ale na razie walczymy w tym sezonie, który zaczął się kiepsko, ale będzie lepiej, to na pewno.

Jak oceniasz ostatnie zmiany na CBM? Nowy owner, zmiany dot. systemu emerytalnego, czy przeliczania potencjału defensywnego?

Nie do końca się z tymi zmianami zgadzam. Powinien być taki okres gdzie zawodnik ani się nie rozwija ani nie traci skilli. Tak powiedzmy 30-32 i wtedy zaczyna się starzeć. Zawodnicy kiedyś muszą kończyć kariery, ta zmiana jest mi obojętna, a przeliczanie potencjału defensywnego jest ok, tylko nazewnictwo jest kiepskie, ale wyniki muszą być wyższe. Dzisiaj z Belgią wygraliśmy 51-47. Chory wynik, a wybitnych defensorów nie było.

Mamy wielu aktywnych userów, ale też świetnych menadżerów. Co sądzisz o polskiej społeczności charazay?

Odnoszę wrażenie, ze nasza społeczność troszeczkę zgasła ostatnimi czasy, nie jest już tak aktywna, ale może taki okres po prostu. Mistrzostwa dla nas szybko się skończyły. Zgodzę się z tym, że mamy wielu świetnych menadżerów. Zwłaszcza w niższych ligach jest wielu bardzo ambitnych menadżerów niekoniecznie słabszych od tych co już grają w PLK. Po prostu później zaczęli grę.

Śledzisz NBA, PLK? Komu kibicujesz?

W NBA Los Angeles Lakers, a w PLK Śląskowi Wrocław :) Takie nawyki od dzieciaka mi zostały i ich nie zmieniam.

Czy czynnie uprawiasz jakiś sport?

Koszykówkę, a czysto dla zabawy, bez rywalizacji żadnych to Darta.

Masz jakieś rady dla nowych graczy, którzy przeczytają ten wywiad?

Szukajcie wiedzy, bo bez tego stracicie kupę kasy na początku i już się z tego nie wygrzebiecie. Polecam tutorial, FAQ Lukasa i szkółkę :)

Dziękuję za wywiad, może jakiś suchar na koniec?

Również dziękuje, cieszę się, żę w końcu na mnie padło :) Suchar? Didaa, please, jesteś mistrzem w tym, ale niech będzie. Jakie jest idealne imię dla dziecka informatyka? Serweryn.
Mam nadzieję, że każdy kto przeczytał wywiad pójdzie po coś do picia.

by Didaa

niedziela, 6 maja 2012

Interview with Don, Hungarian coach

My congratulations on your recent World Cup gold. The big contenders seemed like a bit out of form during the tournament. The final game against the Cinderella - Chile - wasn't that easy, no? 

Thank You, It is a great honor to our country!
It was interesting to see top contenders are getting into a harder and harder situation and than many were out before the elimination phase.
The Final was not as easy, we know from earlier stage Chile is hard opponent.

You won against Chile already in the earlier part of the tournament. Did that game give you any clues on how to play the final?

TBH I was wondering in-between two tactics before the game, based on what I could see I may choose the other if we would play again.

The Final itself was a different story than the group stage game. You were leading right from the opening. Chilean starplayer Cox had a terrific game, but that just wasn't enough to overcome the Hungarian teamplay. Did everything work out out there on the field? 

I would not say so. I think we were in charge in most of our game on the road to the Final; usually it went according to the plans, except in the Final. We just could not handle Cox.
Believe me we were well prepared from their team and he were in that “core” we really wanted to stop, but we just could not.
Cox had a terrific game, you are right, but check the stats of Chile without him. That is something I wanted to achieve.

Which teams disappointed you the most? 

I think it just would not be fair to point out any Nation Team or manager. Those country were not satisfied, had a good chance to make a change.. 

How did the Hungarian community react on your success? And why have you decided to run for coaching once again? You have pwnd Mike Tyson on the way! xD  

That was amazing how many peopled cheered to the NT and me. Activity on the forum and so many PM was great to read.
Winning Senior WC after the U18 WC title gave confident to many Hungarian managers and showed them we may do it right. It is the result of the community what created beautiful players and most of them spent many seasons in top leagues of Hungarian divisions, I think it was key in success, as several special player could be created according to NT coach requests.

What's the goal this time? Your team core seems still young enough to compete for the title. 

I agree this team is still not old, can improve and give one more try (before the major ME changes) get to the top 8, and there anything can happens, hopefully we will fight in the Final in 2 seasons time again J 

Do you focus on the NT now? What about your club team? 

After local success with my private team and not getting far enough on the international level I made my choice to turn to youth again, so I needed a real challenge in parallel, this time Senior National Team s likely the best I could choose J 

Let us know the best starting five in CBM you could dream of.

The one that won WC title is likely the best team, with the best starting five <:o) 

Recently, the devs served us a lot of changes. What do you think about them? 

There was many heated discussion about this on our local forum. AS result of that too I think the changes are not bad, but not in the right time and not in the right way of published.
Many manager realized the importance of defend, than a few were shouting it is going to be a real problem (Hungarian divisions are still one of the most def oriented ones and look at the scores they are achieving..), if this decision was made a few seasons earlier much less team would feel about this as a harsh change.

What do you think about the new game engine? 

I not even tested it and won’t until there is a clear timeline when it will be implemented. On the other hand I still guess it is more a “cosmetic” change in the character of a player, than a major one. 

Now something about you - what's your name, how old are you, where are you from, what do you do? 

I’m 34, a proud father of a little girl, who is just 5 month old now; working for a well known EMS company as part of the medium management. 

Basketball isn't that much popular in Hungary, no? Are you interested in any other sport? 

It isn’t but still have many supporters and we have a few good result even on European level especially for women.
As many other man in Hungary I also a fun of football and Formula 1

The NBA Playoffs have just started. Chicago have lost Rose already - who knows if not together with the champion title. Who's going to win the rings this time?

I don’t follow it as detailed as I did it years ago, but I think OKC or MIA can fight for the title and big three may lose once again! 

How did you get to know about CBM? 

Haha, it was long ago, I was playing with football manager game what was introduced by a friend of mine, where someone highlighted CBM and I decided to give it a try. The funny part is that I finished to play with that a long ago CBM, remained the only I still playing with. 

Have you got any advises for new users? 

Ask for advice from more experienced user, mentor system is a good way, if they use it; and maybe the most important to set up a proper expectation to their own team. This is not just something where you can achieve success in a few months; this is a manager game about basketball, where you have to plan ahead.

Thanks for the interview. 

My pleasure, hope to talk to you in 2 seasons time J

czwartek, 12 kwietnia 2012

Interview with themos

New owner, new aims to achieve? What ideas have you got for the development of CBM? Are you going to continue old owner's policy?

There are a lot of new goals I have set but we have to go step by step. I always read the forums and I try to talk to every user that wants to discuss something with me, I believe that users can come up with great suggestions but you all also have to understand that there has to be a plan and an organized way of working, meaning that we have to prioritize and decide what we want to see implemented first and what can wait for later on.

In last time I have noticted falling of members . You must stop it!

Users were increased due to the "Charazay" week and now we can see how many of the new ones are really staying on the game. I am already looking into some different ways of promoting Charazay.

Are you planning any big changes, in engine or design?

As you might have read in my initial announcement I am not (and most of the crew as well) satisfied with the current engine, we are testing a new version for a while and I hope that soon you will have it for testing as well, for a whole season. For me this means that if we encounter any problems that we couldn't see due to the limited number of crew-members, we will be able to change what needed and have a way better match-engine than the current one. Design-wise, I might be planning something, but don't worry no changes in the real layout of Charazay (for the foreseeable future)

What can you say about Monday's problem?

We had scheduled a software upgrade with Zylon since last week, everything was supposed to be finished at 17:00, actually the original statement from them was that if everything goes as planned we will be done at 11:00 and even if a problem would occur it shouldn't take any longer than 17:00. I was confident that they can handle it and be precise and on time but unfortunately as we all saw strange things happened. First one which was mainly regarding me and my ability to keep you informed was the communication with them which was unbelievably broken, I needed several emails and phone calls just to get a single reply. It was not only that I wanted to know what was going on but I also had to keep you users informed as promised. To continue with and move in the real problem, they were out of the time-plan we had set, the site was on for the first time after the "theoretical finalization" of the update around 18:30, but nothing was working, forums helpdesk, virtual matches etc... Then we went down again for a long while, guys from Zylon actually started to handle the case with professionalism around 21:00, maybe a bit earlier maybe a bit later, and around 23:30 everything was back online as it should be. The only issue that was left behind was the TM and what had to be done. Our initial plan was to lock it from the DataBase, that way we could easily move transfers without any real problems before letting them being 100% finished. However, the transfer market was unlocked and we had to look for another solution. We looked into the possibilities and we decided to go for the one we announced. It is obvious that we will have some unhappy users but since the problems occurred we had to take the decision we perceive to be the best, no matter how harsh it might look to some. Another big sorry for all the delays and the inconvenience and a bigger thanks for the understanding and the faith most of you show in us!

Is CBM popular in your opinion? Has CBM got chance to be very popular like hattrick? Why?

Charazay is definitely not unknown, however I can't use the word popular as I feel we have to do a lot more to reach that level. To be honest, I wouldn't compare a basketball game to a football one, there is always a big audience gap.

Who is the best manager in CBM?

You know, there are way too many good managers in Charazay, I mean people who are really talented in that and who also make excellent tactics and match-preparation/scouting.

Who invented First inter-Charazay Cup and Contest ? This person is very optimistic.

I am the one behind the Cup/Contest. I always take optimism as a compliment, so thanks a lot. :) A little comment I'd like to make here, as I have told in the forums I recognize the fact that the registration method was a bit "rusty", I promise that next year it will be back better planned and with a better sign-up system.

I believe players' fatigue is the most annoying thing while running the NT, isn't it? A given owner is able to destroy the game tactic. Do you share the opinion that NT games should be injury- and fatigue-free? Do you consider a change?

Nope, there is certainly no plan for such a change at the moment.

Lastly you have been organizing a lot of contest on facebook. Why?

These small contests are also a personal idea, I believe that our page in the past was "dead" and I didn't like it at all. These small contests are a nice way to make people visit and like our page and on the same time an entertaining way for users to win some free CBMoney.

You have been a U-21 NT coach. What will Greece win in the nearliest WC?

It depends, the group is not an easy one but while I was NT manager I was mainly using u20 players so our youngsters are quite ready. However, for something really good we would need a huge amount of luck.

Basketball and football are very popular in Greece. Are youinterested in something besides basketball? What about Greece changes in EURO 2012?

I have to admit that I am in love with basketball since my early childhood but I also like football a lot, I am a big supporter of PAOK FC in Greece and FC Barcelona (Sorry to be so mainstream but I used to study and live there). For Greece now, we don't have a bad team or a bad coach but I can see us at most advancing from the group stage.

Regular season in NBA will complete in few days. Who will be the champion in PO?

I just don't want Miami to win it ...

A bunch of quick Qs now :) Wine or beer? Sea or mountains? Sommer or winter? Mercedez or BMW?

Wine. Definitely sea and Summer, I could migrate to a country with steady 25 degrees and Mediterranean sea. Not even a question, BMW, that's what I drive :)

Do you remember how did you get to know about CBM?

Sure I remember, pure luck at the beginning, I was looking for an online manager, tried everything that was on back in 2006-2007 and settled for Charazay. At my first steps I wasn't active at all and that's the reason why I lost my first team :(

Thanks for the interwiew.

You are welcome.

sobota, 3 marca 2012

Interview with gopherguy0723, US national team coach.

By winning bronze on the previous WC, Team USA has ended the golden streak. What's the goal this time? Does the American community demand a better result from the coach?

The goal is still to win the gold. That goal may look bleaker after we lost on Monday, but that's only one game. The goal remains gold.

Sometime the coach seems to be the brightest star on the team. I believe it was the case with Rolando. Do you consider him a genius of the game? What about the opinion on his topic in the States?

I'm not sure if I would use the term genius. However, Rolando dedicated a lot of time into the National Team. Sometimes he thought outside of the box, which is helpful. Don't forget, he also had some really good players. I'm not sure I understand the second part of your question.

Did you decide to candidade for the coach position on your own or was there anyone to kindly suggest it? Who were the other candidates?

I decided to do it on my own when Rolando stepped down. There weren't any other serious challengers.

The jubilee 10th edition of the senior WC is just ahead of us. It's the time for the best team to really prove it's value. Do you think USA might be the winner? Is there any pressure on you or you'd be satisfied with a semifinal spot?

The goal is to win the gold, but that's not entirely in my control. I can't control fatigue of our players, and I can't prevent injuries from occurring. Gold is the goal, but reality is formed based on the conditions on the ground.

Your Monday's loss against Czech Republic doesn't look like a good omen. An issue with St. Random or were the Czech's really that good?

Hard to say. I think it was a lack of using aggressive tactics and some players not being available to play. It certainly wasn't a positive outcome.

Is there a team core for the American NT? Which players are the most important?

I think Lamont Miller is the most important. We're not that deep in the front court. If he's able to play, he dramatically changes what we're able to do.

Which NTs should be contenders this time and why?

Hard to say. Lots of teams could win. Injuries will play a factor that we can't foresee. I'd definitely watch out for Italy, they won it last time.

I believe players' fatigue is the most annoying thing while running the NT, isn't it? A given owner is able to destroy the game tactic. Do you share the opinion that NT games should be injuries- and fatigue-free?

I agree that fatigue is the most annoying. It's an element that NT coaches cannot control. I agree that fatigue and injuries that accumulate or occur prior to the match should not affect NT matches. However, players should be able to get hurt within an NT match. Think of it as a two-track system. The normal fatigue and injury rules apply outside of the NT. However, injuries and fatigue should be ignored for NT purposes. I suppose you'd have to tweak a few other things to make this system more fair as well.

Let us know the best starting five in CBM you could dream of.

Oh man, I'd love to see Gervais, Blackman, Miller, and Golota on the same team. I'm not sure who I'd pick as PG. I have to think about that a little more.

Your clubteam looks like slowly progressing. When are you going to visit the White House?

I'm not sure. I keep going back and forth on how I want to manage my team. Probably in one or two more seasons. A couple players need a little more time, and I need to add one more player to really make a run. Either next season or in two seasons.

Recently, the devs served us a lot of changes. What do you think about them?

The changes I mean :) I like the changes to the international cups. It will make them more competitive. Teams used to use them in order to accumulate experience for some of their players. It will also make league games easier to manage, so teams should be able to compete in all competitions instead of having to pick and chose on occasion.

Now something about you - what's your name, how old are you, where are you from, what do you do?

My name is T.J. I'm from Minnesota, and I'm a lawyer. With the down economy I haven't been able to find a full time job, only temporary work. So if you know anyone in Minnesota who is hiring lawyers please let them know!

Sport is really popular in the US. Are you interested in any other than basketball?

Absolutely. Baseball is probably my favorite sport. I follow it religiously. I also watch the NFL every Sunday. I enjoy MMA. I like hockey. You could say I enjoy sports in general.

You're lucky to be American and to have NBA within reach. Do you go see the games live? A favourite team maybe?

I'm a Timberwolves fan. I used to go to a few games a year, but they've been so bad recently that I didn't buy tickets. However, it looks like they've got some nice young talent in Kevin Love and Ricky Rubio. I'll probably buy some tickets to go watch in person next season. Otherwise, I do watch a good amount of their games on television.

Who's the best in the NBA at the moment? Best player or best team?

I'd have to go with Lebron James as the best player. I'd also have to say the Miami Heat are the best team, but OKC could give them a run. They might need another big man though.

A bunch of quick Qs now :) Vodka or beer? Ford or Chrysler? Irving or Rubio? Brunettes or blondes?

Beer, no question. Ford. Rubio. Both! :)

Do you remember how did you get to know about CBM?

My brother was bored one random day in the summer. He liked hattrick but got bored with it. So he searched online and found this game. I thought it was cool, so I decided to create a team.

Thanks for the interwiew.


wtorek, 24 stycznia 2012

Interview with zio_pey manager Virtus Bologna

You've got the most titled team in the whole game - reached already everything that's possible with a club. 30 trophies, gosh... where do you store them? :D Please admit you got some kind of codes from the Crew :D

You aren't the only one who think this, and yes, i was a GM for 2 years so probably I stole something :D

You have never ever demoted from Lega A and only twice ended up without a trophy in the league. Gee, you're playing this game at least for 19 seasons! How do you manage to stick in the game for such a long time? How do you manage your transfers?

Consider that when I arrived 4th is only because I wanted to play in CWC :D

I don't think that there is a "secret", I started to play this game with some friends and thank to it I'm continuing to know lot of people and this is the main reason why I'm still playing. I was lucky with some pulls in past season (not now, I have fantastic academy from long time without results), and probably I'm quite good in buy/sell players. Don't know exactly, is difficult to stay at high level for so long time, but this is my main goal every season, I don't need to win anymore but at least to arrive in first 4-5 positions :)

On the other hand, you aren't doing that great in the international cups - "only" 2 CCWC and 1 CCL titles in your cabinet ;) I guess it's pretty tough to compete in 3 different tournaments at the same time, isn't it? What do you think about the recent idea of getting rid of fatigue&exp in the international cups?

In International Cups I was quite unlucky, for two times I lost in final against the "old allstar players teams", teams who bought every old players in the market, won everything for 1-2 seasons and then disappeared. Defeat those teams was quite impossible. In last seasons if I wanted to remain at high level I needed to use International Cups to exp my young players and this is the main reason for my poor results. About the idea I red in the forum I think that the calendar now is impossible, we play too much games in short period of time so if we really want to have a Champions Cup we need to make games without fatigue, injuries and experience. I don't find any other solution.

Italian national teams are doing pretty well. You personally had been a NT Coach already twice, but have never won a WC title. In fact that's the only thing missing for you as a coach :D So, what are your plans regarding this matter?

Yes, I was national coach and I lost in final against Belgium, really good team in the first period of the game. For the next election I'm seriously thinking to candidate :))

What do you think about other club teams in the Charazay world? Are there any teams better than yours?

My team is not so good now, was much competitive last season because I had the goal to win CWC, but now I cut the salaries and prefer to gain money with sponsors. I'm first in the league with surprise, I'm quite confident to remain in first positions till the end. I have lot of friends in the game that are fantastic, like Ianton , Boki and Oscar, Koseze is much better than me for example :)

Also Free Minds Core in my league is stronger, but manager is noob :D

Would you name yourself the best manager in CBM? If not, who's the best?

No, I'm not the best manager in CBM, even if the results tell this. Is very difficult to answer at your question because probably there are thousands of good managers that play in foreign league and in low series that I don't know.

In Italy Dogsitter is amazing coach :)

My final answer anyway is Oscar, even if Maca is a genious :D

The new rookie promoting system has been a bit controversial. Some claimed there's going to be a lack of mid-class players in some time since such players aren't promoted from the Academy. What's you opinion about it? Do you promote those mid-class players?

There are too few 15yrs players in this way on the market, people wait only for the champion, and refuse middle players. And I don't like absolutely the 17-18yrs pulls with no experience, hasn't sense.

I dream the young team like Hattrick :)

What keeps you so long in the game? I'm not really sure if Italian managers aren't awaiting the day you log out and decide not to log in anymore :D

In Italian forum lot of times we spoke about my retiring day, but now I don't see it :D

I made some fantastic friends, someone that I saw lot of times in real life, so I'm not even thinking to leave the game, sometime the forum is better than a family. For example next saturday we will have a charazay meeting in Verona. Matches, food, Alchol. No girls but this is normal ahahah :D

There's the senior WC ahead of us. Is Italy capable to hold off the oposition?

I don't think that this National Team is the best in the world, surely we can win against every team but we are quite young. We will see how many old players we need in the final part of the World Cup.

I'm really curios to see if Spain finally will win something :)

What do you think about the recent changes in Charazay and which one of them do you like the most?

In theory I was happy because not only tall players could score, but now if I look at the matches I don't think that this change is so rilevant....sure thing is that experience is less important and I notice that lot of users are happy, expecially who don't play International Cups :D

Is there anything in the game that should be taken care of by the Crew, according to you? What needs to be changed?

Pulls, more balanced engine, but expecially something to promote the game, we need absolutely more users.

Now something strictly about you :) What's your name, how old are you, where do you live?

My name is Luca, I'm 35 and I live in Bologna, my Charazay name team exist and is my favourite team in real :)

Bologna is called "basket city" in Italy because we had two teams in the major league.

A bunch of quick Qs now :) Wine or beer? Ferrari or BMW? Mountains or the sea? Inter or Milan?

Ahahaahah, my answers: Mohito!!! Absolutely!!! BMW, I can reach this dream, Ferrari is impossible. Sea for fun, mountain for the relax. Bologna! Forever! I hate Milan and Inter (and Juve) :D

Are you interested in anything else than basketball?

- Girls?? :D

I really like football, tennis, but basket is the most exciting sport to see.

How did you get to know about CBM?

I played Hattrick and in a Hattrick Irc Channel called "Azzurra" I knew some guys who introduce me in this game.....damn them! :D

What's the secret behind your nick and teamname? What's their origin, what do they mean?

I answered you before that my team name is the real name of the most famous team in my city :)

My nick is long story, but now lot of people called me "zio" also in real. Zio is "uncle" in english :D

Thanks for the interview.

Thanks for your interview, and nice Charazay to everyone. And go Italy!!

Interiew with zio_pey manager of Virtus Bologna

You've got the most titled team in the whole game - reached already everything that's possible with a club. 30 trophies, gosh... where do you store them? :D Please admit you got some kind of codes from the Crew :D

You aren't the only one who think this, and yes, i was a GM for 2 years so probably I stole something :D

You have never ever demoted from Lega A and only twice ended up without a trophy in the league. Gee, you're playing this game at least for 19 seasons! How do you manage to stick in the game for such a long time? How do you manage your transfers?

Consider that when I arrived 4th is only because I wanted to play in CWC :D

I don't think that there is a "secret", I started to play this game with some friends and thank to it I'm continuing to know lot of people and this is the main reason why I'm still playing. I was lucky with some pulls in past season (not now, I have fantastic academy from long time without results), and probably I'm quite good in buy/sell players. Don't know exactly, is difficult to stay at high level for so long time, but this is my main goal every season, I don't need to win anymore but at least to arrive in first 4-5 positions :)

On the other hand, you aren't doing that great in the international cups - "only" 2 CCWC and 1 CCL titles in your cabinet ;) I guess it's pretty tough to compete in 3 different tournaments at the same time, isn't it? What do you think about the recent idea of getting rid of fatigue&exp in the international cups?

In International Cups I was quite unlucky, for two times I lost in final against the "old allstar players teams", teams who bought every old players in the market, won everything for 1-2 seasons and then disappeared. Defeat those teams was quite impossible. In last seasons if I wanted to remain at high level I needed to use International Cups to exp my young players and this is the main reason for my poor results. About the idea I red in the forum I think that the calendar now is impossible, we play too much games in short period of time so if we really want to have a Champions Cup we need to make games without fatigue, injuries and experience. I don't find any other solution.

Italian national teams are doing pretty well. You personally had been a NT Coach already twice, but have never won a WC title. In fact that's the only thing missing for you as a coach :D So, what are your plans regarding this matter?

Yes, I was national coach and I lost in final against Belgium, really good team in the first period of the game. For the next election I'm seriously thinking to candidate :))

What do you think about other club teams in the Charazay world? Are there any teams better than yours?

My team is not so good now, was much competitive last season because I had the goal to win CWC, but now I cut the salaries and prefer to gain money with sponsors. I'm first in the league with surprise, I'm quite confident to remain in first positions till the end. I have lot of friends in the game that are fantastic, like Ianton , Boki and Oscar, Koseze is much better than me for example :)

Also Free Minds Core in my league is stronger, but manager is noob :D

Would you name yourself the best manager in CBM? If not, who's the best?

No, I'm not the best manager in CBM, even if the results tell this. Is very difficult to answer at your question because probably there are thousands of good managers that play in foreign league and in low series that I don't know.

In Italy Dogsitter is amazing coach :)

My final answer anyway is Oscar, even if Maca is a genious :D

The new rookie promoting system has been a bit controversial. Some claimed there's going to be a lack of mid-class players in some time since such players aren't promoted from the Academy. What's you opinion about it? Do you promote those mid-class players?

There are too few 15yrs players in this way on the market, people wait only for the champion, and refuse middle players. And I don't like absolutely the 17-18yrs pulls with no experience, hasn't sense.

I dream the young team like Hattrick :)

What keeps you so long in the game? I'm not really sure if Italian managers aren't awaiting the day you log out and decide not to log in anymore :D

In Italian forum lot of times we spoke about my retiring day, but now I don't see it :D

I made some fantastic friends, someone that I saw lot of times in real life, so I'm not even thinking to leave the game, sometime the forum is better than a family. For example next saturday we will have a charazay meeting in Verona. Matches, food, Alchol. No girls but this is normal ahahah :D

There's the senior WC ahead of us. Is Italy capable to hold off the oposition?

I don't think that this National Team is the best in the world, surely we can win against every team but we are quite young. We will see how many old players we need in the final part of the World Cup.

I'm really curios to see if Spain finally will win something :)

What do you think about the recent changes in Charazay and which one of them do you like the most?

In theory I was happy because not only tall players could score, but now if I look at the matches I don't think that this change is so rilevant....sure thing is that experience is less important and I notice that lot of users are happy, expecially who don't play International Cups :D

Is there anything in the game that should be taken care of by the Crew, according to you? What needs to be changed?

Pulls, more balanced engine, but expecially something to promote the game, we need absolutely more users.

Now something strictly about you :) What's your name, how old are you, where do you live?

My name is Luca, I'm 35 and I live in Bologna, my Charazay name team exist and is my favourite team in real :)

Bologna is called "basket city" in Italy because we had two teams in the major league.

A bunch of quick Qs now :) Wine or beer? Ferrari or BMW? Mountains or the sea? Inter or Milan?

Ahahaahah, my answers: Mohito!!! Absolutely!!! BMW, I can reach this dream, Ferrari is impossible. Sea for fun, mountain for the relax. Bologna! Forever! I hate Milan and Inter (and Juve) :D

Are you interested in anything else than basketball?

- Girls?? :D

I really like football, tennis, but basket is the most exciting sport to see.

How did you get to know about CBM?

I played Hattrick and in a Hattrick Irc Channel called "Azzurra" I knew some guys who introduce me in this game.....damn them! :D

What's the secret behind your nick and teamname? What's their origin, what do they mean?

I answered you before that my team name is the real name of the most famous team in my city :)

My nick is long story, but now lot of people called me "zio" also in real. Zio is "uncle" in english :D

Thanks for the interview.

Thanks for your interview, and nice Charazay to everyone. And go Italy!!

wtorek, 17 stycznia 2012

Interview with immortal

My congratulations on your recent U21 World Cup gold! On the previous U21 WC Lithuania got eliminated already in the second round. How does it feel to be the Champion and to improve the former coach's result?

I have won U18 word championship (4th edition) so I already new this feeling. I can say that it is superb feeling to win this title. Specially to have U18 and U21 titles together.

You didn't lose a single game on the WC, that's impressive! Who were your key players?

I can say that Key players were players with the high defense skill. Like Ausrius Radkevicius, he has good defense + foot work, Dominas Vitkaustas – probably the best defensive SF on this generation. I believe the strongest side on the Lithuanians U21 was – we did not had rebounders at all, so I could use strong Defense/Foot work skilled players. Honestly, I had 11-12 playing players on this team and all of them for me were key players.

You managed to win over Poland in the first WC round by only 1 point. Back then, have you considered these 2 teams in the WC final? Weren't you a bit afraid of a rematch, if the first game was so close?

I was afraid in the first WC round J Poland had really strong squad for the last U21 WC. Antanas Pivoras was available for the first time of the season without fatigue, so I decided to play through offence. Tactic have worked very well, and first time Poland have been in front ~20s left till the end of match, but Antanas Pivoras saved my day J

In the Final I supposed to see Spain (I have never seen so strong U21 squad ever), but I was happy to reach Finals and to face Poland, as Poland had great coach. For the rematch was the easiest game of the WC, I was 100% sure to play with all my defensive players I had. It was already good result for me and Lithuanians community to reach the Finals, so there was no pressure for me J

The final game against Poland was completely different than the previous game against them. Lithuania was dominating almost the whole time. What was so special in your tactics for the final?

I don’t know, of course I have made some tactical changes (SF/SG -> PG, SF -> SG). Lot of users did not understood, why the player which is playing into PF position for his club, playing into SG position for the NT. But that’s my style, if the player has necessary skills for me, I can use we I can see will be useful. I have removed few scoring players, which had unacceptable defense skill for the big importance matches.

Of course Poland coach helped me a lot. The only one player I was afraid of – Drozd. It was big surprise for me – he was placed into SF position (what a great waste of great foot worker). Of course if this tactic would work, Poland coach could say – what a great move. I did not had Rakevicius in the Final game, so I was forced to user PF with the low defense skill (it was 12 at the final match). So Drozd could score against him 50+ easily. But I was so lucky!

I still believe that offence can win games, but the defense – titles.

Which game on the WC was the most difficult for you and why?

I believe it was against Poland in the first WC round. Just Poland is so great team and I did not know what to expect from this matches. I was lucky to have some fresh players, so I could use new tactics for this match. And I believe Poland was the strongest opponent in the last U12 WC. After this game my expectations from the team have been raised to the sky J

Imagine you can create a starting five consisting of top players from all the countries which took part in the U21 WC. How would your starting five look like?

PG: Zawada or Tarasevicius (cannot pick between these guys J)

SG: Juozas Ruškys

SF: Dominas Vitkauskas

PF: Ausrys Radkevicius

C: Albert Drozd

Do you consider coaching the senior NT?

Still do not know. All NT’s are consuming a lot of time from the personal life.

You play CBM since 2005, but started to achieve anything special only recently. Why did it take you so long?

Actually, I have team since 2005, but I did not played for real. Even I do not know how I did not lost my team J I have started to play this game more serious from the end of 12th season, I after 1 season I understood that only good budged could allow to you to have good and young and competitive team to play this game. When I have stopped doing trades I have qualified from the 4th to the 1st division in 3 seasons.

There are lots of very young players in your team. Have you changed the whole concept of the team recently?

I had only 7 players on my team + one old guy, and I did not have more money to buy 2 new guys, so I decided to raise more money in few season. I could qualify this season to the LKL, but I did not liked this idea to play with only 8 players on the highest division. I do not expect to raise these players for my team, just to earn more money.

What do you think about the latest changes in CBM?

I do not use FaceBook, so I do not have opinion about this update, but achievement system looks good. Now users can earn some extra CBMoney, they will be able to participate in Private Cups, or to buy Supporter Pack. And I do not have my own opinion about game engine changes, all changes are welcome, they improves this game. Game engine updates are forcing old managers to make some changes on their teams J

Do you consider yourself the best coach in Lithuania?

Nope. I do not. The best coaches are these, which has more money to build competitive team for the highest division and for international cups. That’s my opinion.

During the U21 WC final you could got in touch with the Polish community, by entering their national chat. But what do you think about your countrymen? Could you describe us the Lithuanian CBM community?

Hmm. We have quite big community, but there are not so active like Poland or Italy communities… Maybe the last results from the all NT results were bad, really hard to say. But one thing I can say, that they are very angry if some “deserved” players are not getting enough exp from NT’s or NT manager selects own player to play for the current NT J

Now something strictly about you :) What's your name, how old are you, where do you live?

My name is Giedrius, I am 29 years old, I live in Vilnius

Are you interested in anything else than basketball?

I love fishing, IT (that’s what I am doing to earn money), love hang with my friends, drink beer.

A bunch of quick Qs now :) Mountains or sea? Whisky or wine? Film or book? MJ or Magic Johnson?

Mountains. Whisky. Film. MJ.

Are you interested in the NBA? Who's among the contenders this time?

For me it is – LA Lakers. Of course to win title this year they have really small chances, but still it is my favorite team. I believe this year Chicago is going to lift the title. Other Contenders should be – Miami, Portland, Oklahoma and maybe LA Lakers

How did you get to know about CBM?

I do not remember, I believe I saw an advert on the web page.

What's the secret behind your nick and team name? What's their origin, what do they mean?

My usual nick which I am using for the web games was taken, so this was the second best choose to use one of my favorites bands name. Team name – it is my birth town team name. They were using this team name when I was young and I liked to attend to the home matches.

Thank you. Best regards.